Konica Minolta’s response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

18 Mar 2020
Konica Minolta’s response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

As the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to be seen across the world and in Australia, Konica Minolta has been working to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our people, as well as to support our customers and their ongoing business requirements.

Our people

The health and wellbeing of Konica Minolta’s partners, employees and customers remain our priority and we have been providing regular updates to manage the emerging situation.

  • We have implemented hygiene and sanitisation protocols in each workplace, including regular reminders of the importance to practice social distancing and hygiene, and the need to stay home if sick.
  • Employees have been instructed to follow Government advice regarding travel risks and requirements as they have been made available, and we have now cancelled all international and domestic travel.
  • We have cancelled or postponed events and face-to-face training and are encouraging work from home to enable greater social distancing.
  • Employees have been advised to not come to work if sick, self-isolate and report if they have been in a situation where they might have been exposed to coronavirus, or if they have symptoms.

To ensure the continuity of our business and our ability to continue to service our customers:

  • We have IT infrastructure and a “Work from Home” policy in place to enable remote working as required.
  • We have protocols to follow in the case of a staff member having a confirmed case of Coronavirus (COVID-19). This includes:
    • the affected office or workplace would be closed if required until we could identify those impacted
    • those impacted would be asked to self-isolate
    • the affected office or workplace would be re-opened following sanitisation
    • we would follow Government advice to track and notify any people who the employee had come into contact with.

Our products, consumables and services


  • Konica Minolta has multiple manufacturing facilities across multiple countries for equipment, consumables and spare parts.
  • All Konica Minolta manufacturing facilities are open and currently operating.
  • Equipment, consumables and spare parts are being supplied from our manufacturing facilities to our international supply lines.

International supply lines

  • Konica Minolta supply lines are currently open but operating on a reduced capacity in line with global restrictions and reduced capacity.
  • Konica Minolta Australia is using both air and sea shipment to try to ensure that supply to Australia is as uninterrupted as possible.

Local supply of consumables and spare parts

  • Konica Minolta Australia has four major warehouse locations with machines, consumables and spares on hand, and a distributed network of local spares holdings.
  • We house approximately two months local supply of most items and are currently limiting supplies to ensure that all customers have access to the items they need.

What can customers do?

To best help manage the stock we have available during this time, we’re asking that customers also play a part:

  • Use any additional consumable units they have before ordering more.
  • Not to replace the drums unit when indicated by the MFD as they will last beyond when the MFD indicates to replace without a degradation of image quality.
  • Use the ‘draft mode’ capability where possible, which will greatly reduce the usage of toner, and in the event there is a shortage, will allow a toner bottle last 30-50 per cent longer.

Servicing your devices

  • Our service is business-as-usual at the moment, and each staff member has been asked to follow the recommended social distancing and hygiene practices.
  • Each staff member will be calling the individual site to determine if the appointment is confirmed, and that the site is safe to visit i.e. if there has been a suspected or confirmed case of COVID -19.
  • We ask for the co-operation of our customers to work with our team members to ensure their continued health and safety at your workplace.

Information for customer site visits

  • We are aiming to limit the contact we have with our customers when servicing Konica Minolta equipment on their premises as much as possible with the goal being zero contact. Measures include:
    • our engineers have been advised not to shake hands or have any other physical contact
    • there is no requirement for the customer to sign for any Konica Minolta onsite service. Our team members will enter all call details directly into their own device
    • all devices will be wiped with a suitable disinfectant solution before our engineers work on the device as well as when they finish
    • If work is required to be done on a customer workstation our engineer will request that the owner of that workstation complete the tasks under verbal instructions of the service engineer.

Our sales, solutions and training consultants

  • Our team members continue to be available to support our customers in a remote or virtual manner. If training is required we will work with customers to ensure social distancing is achieved.

The situation regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) is rapidly evolving and Konica Minolta will continue to follow Australian Government Department of Health and World Health Organisation advice and provide updates as required.


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